Travel Guide

In our Travel Guide you'll find all the rules of the game, tips and tricks and other information that could be helpful for all participants!

  • At the start of the game, you get a list of about 30 Tasks. When you have fulfilled a Task, you have to upload a photo or film to prove it. The Travel Agents will check them and give you 2 Travel Credits per Task, if done well.
  • Use your Travel Credits to buy Travel Questions. One Travel Question costs 1 Travel Credit. At the beginning of the game, you get 7 Travel Credits to start. Afterwards, you receive 1 Travel Credit every half hour.
  • When you answered a Travel Question correctly, you will get 1 Travel Point. If you do not know the answer, you can use a wildcard to continue to the next question.
  • Large teams can consider to do a Project. Doing a Project cost a lot of time. Handing in a Project cost 2 Travel points. Depending on the quality of your Porject, you will earn 1, 4 or 6 Travel Points. 
  • The team with the most Travel Points wins the game!